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Continuous integration for Ansible

We know a lot of people who write or use ansible role and playbook but only few of them think about implement tests.

Typically playbooks or roles are written in a VM and tested each time on the same VM until the playbook says “OK” everywhere. In the best case, the VM is sometime flushed to validate the whole playbook.

In case of using a role, might be afraid to update or modify it because it is used in a lot of app you dont want to break.

This is a problem, It’s difficult to contribute or use a non tested role or playbook. In order to validate your changes, you have to spawn a VM, run ansible and validate manually your change. This is bad, with that way, you might have regression or break something else.

This is why I’m going to introduce you a way to maintain ansible role and playbook and have a continuous integration. In over words, how test each ansible changes before use it in production environment.



Now apply continuous integration to ansible. We will discuss about these main steps :

  • Write code
  • Validate code
  • Tests
  • Run tests

Write code

I’m not going to explain you how to write your code, but point you out a way to make easier contributor’s life and keep a consistent code style.

The solution is very simple, just think about providing Style guide or best practices guide. A good exemple :

Help people to know what is the code style of the project will avoid you to waste time during pull request review.

Validate code

Run unit and functionnal tests might require some works to your CI. Create a new container, install dependancies and launch all your stuff. This can make you waste time and resource.

to avoid losing time, you should ensure the code is well formatted and have no syntax error. There are tools for a lot of languages to do that. For example Pylint for Python or Puppet-lint for puppet.

For ansible we also have a ansible lint ( The Ansible lint check script is not very powerful for now but it could help to save some time.

Ansible lint should be the first test done by your CI. I also recommend you to run it on client side before push the code in the CI. A good idea is to add it in the git pre-commit hook (

Usage example :

ansible-lint site.yml 
[ANSIBLE0002] Trailing whitespace
  copy: src=unstable_pinning dest=/etc/apt/preferences.d/unstable 

In that example, we can see a missed trailing whitespace at the end of line 15.


Start to think about what we want to test and how to test it.

I see two main case we want to test :

  • Each new changes in a playbook or role. Validate that the new change doesn’t break things.
  • Ensure if we run ansible for a new setup or run again ansible on a previews platform, after ansible, all components should be in the expected state. For example, we setup nginx, after run ansible we should find a nginx running on the system and listening on port 80 (second run should have only ok status).

Ok, how to validate these points.tests

Before working with ansible, I worked with Puppet. Naturally, I started to use the same tool we used for Puppet (Serverspec). Serverspec is one of the most popular tool used with Puppet to validate that all things gone well after puppet run.

Although Serverspec is a good tool to check the status of several elements in your platform, I was not totally convinced that was the best solution.

We experienced some difficulties to share custom variables or sync defaults variables between puppet manifests and serverspec rules. This is why I looked if there is an other way to deal with ansible.

The other way I found interesting was Ansible test strategies ( The idea is to test ansible role or playbook with ansible itself. Execute command, action to validate the result on the installed server or during the installation.

I like that you don’t need to setup an external tool to validate a platform. It’s also easy to access to all variables used to setup the platform and take care of that for tests.

You can use Ansible test strategies inside a role or a playbook. For example in a check.yml or on tagged tasks. That allow you to run tests during the setup to rollback faster in case of an unexpected fail. It will also provide a way to run only check tests on a platform playing with ansible tags.

To resume you have two approach of tests :

  • Internal : Validate the installed platform with the installation tool itself (ansible in this case).
    • Pro : Easy to access to installation variables and apply adapted tests. Easy to add conditional test following a role behavior.
    • Con : You need to trust the same tool. Implement tests for a role that you can’t modify asks you to organize your way of working.
  • External : Validate the installed platform with an external tool.
    • Pro : Totally independaet to validate a platform.
    • Con : Not always easy to maintain and share variables between several tools.

I think the internal way is the best to test a role. It’s easier to know what are expected and use the same conditions to test each use cases.

For a playbook, use internal and external could be a good idea. Internal way allow you to run intermediary tests and check that all things goes well during the playbook. It also help to validate specific value depending of ansible variables. While external can help you to validate the wole expected result is correct. An other example, you want to change a role A in the playbook for a role B because A is not maintained anymore. With external tests, simply replace the role and run the same test to validate if the result of B == A.


Run tests

To test a role or playbook ansible and validate all step, it’s better to do it in a new and clean environment. We don’t want remaining things between 2 tests.
The approach is to use a virtual a environment to test the entire playbook and then reset it for the next test.

The type of your virtual environment will depend heavily on the content of your playbook. In most of case containers have the advantage of being lighter than full virtualization and will save you time and resources. In some cases, you might need full virtualization  for example if your playbook use device (disk, …) or need kernel module.

Regarding my needs, I decided to use container and specifically Docker to run my tests.

At this point there is a last remaining thing to choose. How provision my container(s) and run tests.

My first idea was to use ansible with the Docker module ( but for this, I needed to write some extra code to spawn containers, run my tests and generate a report. I wouldn’t want to maintain this extra code.

After all I decided to go for (

What is Test Kitchen?
Test Kitchen is a test harness tool to execute your configured code on one or more platforms in isolation. A driver plugin architecture is used which lets you run your code on various cloud providers and virtualization technologies such as Amazon EC2, Blue Box, CloudStack, Digital Ocean, Rackspace, OpenStack, Vagrant, Docker, LXC containers, and more. Many testing frameworks are already supported out of the box including Bats, shUnit2, RSpec, Serverspec, with others being created weekly.

For me the advantages are :

  • Agnostic : Kitchen can deal with multiple backends (Docker, Openstack, Vagrant).
  • Handle dependancy setup in a base image (ansible, serverspec, …)
  • Simplify how to deal with several use cases scenario.
  • Offer multiple steps (create, converge, verify)
  • Provide an easy way to connect to containers

The perfect tool does not exist, is mainly focus on running test for Chef on Vagrant. So if you want to run a test on several containers for Ansible with Docker, you need to hack a little bit the default behavior.



Basic workflow implementation sould at least validate the code and then test it in a clean environment.
In my example, I validate the code with ansible lint, use git hook on jenkins to trigger tests. Use to run ansible in Docker container, test the setup with ansible test-strategy and then run post tests with serverspec.

It’s not the only solution, you can add a lot of things more but it’s a good start.

For example a task to check Role idempotence :

Another important test is the idempotence test—does the role change anything if it runs a second time? It should not, since all tasks you perform via Ansible should be idempotent (ensuring a static/unchanging configuration on subsequent runs with the same settings).

# Run the role/playbook again, checking to make sure it’s idempotent.
– >
ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml –connection=local –sudo
| grep -q ‘changed=0.*failed=0’
&& (echo ‘Idempotence test: pass’ && exit 0)
|| (echo ‘Idempotence test: fail’ && exit 1)


Now stop talking and have a look on 2 examples.

  • First one is a playbook to install a web frontend (nginx) and backend (php-fpm). Do not use this playbook in production. It’s only to show you the interaction between containers.
  • The second one is a role for installing ansible on a host.

In your case you might not need this kind of configuration and simply run test locally on the first container.

All kitchen documentation can be found here :

I installed it with :

# gem install test-kitchen kitchen-docker kitchen-ansible
gem install



I will skip the obvious part of using Ansible lint in a git hook and Jenkins jobs to be focus on the tricky part : and Ansible tests.
Code of this playbook can be found here :

paytbook will handle Docker container creation. In this example we create 3 containers and one shared volume.

  • ansible (bastion) : Container in charge of running ansible command. I consider it as a ansible launcher only. I do not install things on it.
  • web : Container in which we setup the nginx web server that listen on port 80
  • back : Backend container with php-fpm installed on it
  • shared volume : Shared volume mounted in /mnt on back and web containing the php code.

Look at this configuration :


# Requirements :
# gem install kitchen-docker kitchen-ansible

  name: docker
  require_chef_omnibus: false # No need of chef
  require_ruby_for_busser: true
  # Command used to run container at kitchen create. You can use it to override ssh parameters like MaxSessions (
  #run_command: '/usr/sbin/sshd -D -o UseDNS=no -o UsePAM=no -o PasswordAuthentication=yes -o MaxSessions=40 -o UsePrivilegeSeparation=no -o PidFile=/tmp/'
  #provision_command: echo 'bla driver' # work at create

  # This part specify the public key and private used to connect to containers (used by kitchen cli).
  # But we will use this key later also to be able to connect from bastion to others containers.

  # If not exist, kitchen will generate public and private key
  # /!\ spec directory should be created before run kitchen ci.
  # The spec directory is used because this directory will be copied inside the container by default.
  # The public key is automatically added in all containers authorized_keys.
  # /!\ The public key should not have \n at the and or you will have a ruby error during the create step
  private_key: spec/id_rsa
  public_key: spec/

  name: ansible_playbook
  # Specify the role path in case you are testing a role. In case of playbook let it commented
  #roles_path: .
  require_ansible_repo: true
  ansible_verbose: true
  # e.g.: 1 => '-v', 2 => '-vv', 3 => '-vvv", ...
  ansible_verbosity: 2
  ansible_version: latest
  # If not specified kitchen-ansible will run locally the playbook. Default local ansible run
  ansible_connection: ssh
  # Avoid kitchen-ansible to be blocked on ssh key verification
  ansible_host_key_checking: false
  # We are testing a playbook so I need to give his name
  playbook: site.yml
  # Specify the private key of the container put during converge
  private_key: spec/id_rsa # ---------------------------##########################################################--- Not needed ?
  require_chef_for_busser: false # No need of chef
  # Give dedicated ansible hosts file for kitchen. See the role example if you want to avoid it
  ansible_inventory: kitchen-hosts
  # Add some random variables
    a: b

# BUG Related to
  max_ssh_sessions: 2

  # The important fact is that we define 2 images. 
  #   * One with pre-installed ansible for bastion to run faster tests (no need overhead of ansible setup for each build.)
  #   * One basic clean debian image

  - name: debian-kitchen
      image: gaell/debian-kitchen
      platform: debian

  - name: debian
      image: debian
      platform: debian

  name: busser
  - Ansiblespec
  ruby_bindir: '/usr/bin'

# kitchen will run each "suites" on each "platforms".
# Because of our "hack" to have one pre build image for the bastion and one image for others nodes.
# We are not using kitchen like this so, we specify platforms to exclude on each suites.
  - name: web
      ansible_playbook_command: echo 'NOOOP ANSIBLE' # Work at converge, disable ansible
      # If we disable all ansible require, the install_busser_prereqs will not be handled
      require_ansible_omnibus: false # No need ansible on this container
      require_ansible_source: false # No need ansible on this container
      require_ansible_repo: false # No need ansible on this container
      require_ruby_for_busser: true # see note [1]
      # work at create
        - sudo apt-get install -y ruby # see note [1]
        - sudo apt-get install -y net-tools # For netstat used by serverspec
      # Create a share volume to share source code of our app with the back container.
      volume: /mnt
      instance_name: web
      - debian-kitchen

  - name: back
      ansible_playbook_command: echo 'NOOOP ANSIBLE' # Work at converge, disable ansible
      # If we disable all ansible require, the install_busser_prereqs will not be handled
      require_ansible_omnibus: false # No need ansible on this container
      require_ansible_source: false # No need ansible on this container
      require_ansible_repo: false # No need ansible on this container
      require_ruby_for_busser: true # see note [1]
      # work at create
        - sudo apt-get install -y ruby # see note [1]
        - sudo apt-get install -y net-tools # For netstat used by serverspec
      # Get shared volume from the web container
      volumes_from: web
      instance_name: back
      - debian-kitchen

  - name: ansible
      require_ansible_omnibus: false # No force ansible from repo
      require_ansible_source: false # No force ansible from repo
      require_ansible_repo: true
      require_ruby_for_busser: true # see note [1] because of require_ansible_repo, don't need of manual ruby install
      # Specify the private key path inside the container that ansible will use to run
      # See copy_private_key_cmd function in github to know more on this subject :
      # This private key will be copied in kitchen home directory at the kitchen converge step. Juste before run ansible
      private_key: spec/id_rsa
      hostname: ansible.local
      instance_name: ansible
      # The bastion need to be declared at the end. Docker need to create first containers on which you are linked
        - "web:web"
        - "back:back"
      - debian

# Notes :
# [1]
# Install ruby manualy. Because even if you put require_ruby_for_busser true, kitchen-ansible will not install it if
# you don't select require_ansible_omnibus or require_ansible_source or require_ansible_repo
# see :

I tried to comment inline all tricky things. But to resume :

  • Kitchen will create these 3 containers and run ansible-playbook command with site.yml from ansible container.
  • At the end we have 2 installed containers by ansible (web and back)
  • The playbook use ansible testing strategies to validate the setup itself.
  • Web and back containers use Serverspec to validate containers after the playbook ran
  • Also optionally, I used Bats (Bash Automated Testing System) on ansible container to let you know that it’s allowed to use other stuff than Serverspec.
  • Use a custom ansible inventory file for the test kitchen-hosts

Before going further i’m going to explain a key point in this configuration. As we saw, is not written to spawn a platform of multiple containers for the same test. So I’m playing with “suites” to do this job. And the biggest question is : How share a ssh key to run ansible through all containers ?

I tried a lot of solution with pre_command, … and the proper way I found to do it is to use kitchen ci ssh key generated for the kitchen cli.


By default when you call kitchen create, kitchen create a ssh key pair in the .kitchen directory. This keypair is used for example during a kitchen login.

This tell us that Kitchen generate a key pair, add the public key inside all containers .ssh/authorized_keys and use the private key with the kitchen cli.

Reading kitchen ansible document we have private_key option to specify a local private key to run ansible inside the container.

How use private key from the cli inside our container ?

As I know during converge step, kitchen copy some directory inside the container like the spec directory. The simple way is to tell kitchen cli to generate ssh key pair in the spec directory. This directory will be copied at converge in the ansible container and then the private key can be used to run ansible.

Which give us this configuration :

# Tell kitchen cli to generate key pair inside the spec directory
  private_key: spec/id_rsa
  public_key: spec/

# Use the private key for ansible in our ansible container
  - name: ansible
      private_key: spec/id_rsa

# Make also sure to have this in your configuration
  ansible_host_key_checking: false
  ansible_connection: ssh
kitchen ssh config


Post tests : Don’t hesitate to have a look on post test run after ansible (Serverspec and Bats). For example on the web container to check nginx is running and listening on port 80

require 'serverspec'

# Required by serverspec
set :backend, :exec

describe "Nginx Daemon" do

  it "is listening on port 80" do
    expect(port(80)).to be_listening

  it "has a running service of nginx" do
    expect(service("nginx")).to be_running


Now run it and let the magic do begin :

kitchen create

# Run ansible
kitchen converge

# Launch Bats and Serverspec on my containers
kitchen verify

kitchen destroy
run kitchen


Running kitchen for a role is pretty close to a playbook.  I will be brief and only explain differences.


The goal of the role is to setup ansible on a remote host. I used the same solution as the playbook, I create an ansible container to run ansible. And a second container (case1) on which I want to install ansible.

Note : This role already use ansible testing strategy to run ansible –version command on the targeted container.

Kitchen configuration here :


  name: docker
  private_key: spec/id_rsa
  public_key: spec/
  require_chef_omnibus: false # No need of chef
  require_ruby_for_busser: true

  name: ansible_playbook
  # Specify the role path in case you are testing a role. In case of playbook let it commented
  # Force the role_test directory but it's the default behavior, you can let this line commented
  roles_path: ../role_test
  # group name in wich add localhost in the ansible inventory (I don't it)
  hosts: test-kitchen
  ansible_connection: ssh
  ansible_host_key_checking: false
  ansible_verbose: true
  ansible_verbosity: 2
  ansible_version: latest
  private_key: spec/id_rsa
  require_chef_for_busser: false # No need of chef
  # No need of inventory, we will dynammicaly define it in our test playbook.
  #ansible_inventory: kitchen-hosts

  max_ssh_sessions: 2

  - name: debian-kitchen
      image: gaell/debian-kitchen
      platform: debian
  - name: debian
      image: debian
      platform: debian

  name: busser
  - Ansiblespec
  ruby_bindir: '/usr/bin'

   # Empty server on which we want to apply the ansible role
  - name: case1
      instance_name: ansible-case1
      ansible_playbook_command: echo 'NOOOP ANSIBLE'
      require_ansible_omnibus: false
      require_ansible_source: false
      require_ansible_repo: false
      require_ruby_for_busser: false
      - debian-kitchen

  # Bastion node to run ansible.
  # The name is referring to the kitchen test subdirectory for the verify command and also the default.yml file name.
  - name: ansible
      - debian
      instance_name: ansible
        - "ansible-case1:ansible-case1"
      require_ansible_omnibus: false
      require_ansible_source: false
      require_ansible_repo: true
      require_ruby_for_busser: false
      private_key: spec/id_rsa

As you probably noticed I don’t use ansible inventory file and no playbook are specified.

  • Ansible inventory : I decided to not write a fixed inventory for the test and embed it dynamically in my playbook with ansible add_host module
  • Playbook : I used the native kitchen ansible behavior and create a dedicated playbook to test my role inside the test directory.

The test playbook is here :

# Create dynamic inventory to avoid to create a dedicated hosts file in the git directory
- hosts: localhost
    - add_host: name=ansible-case1

# Test latest ansible version
- hosts: ansible-case1
  remote_user: kitchen
  sudo: yes
    # Name of your directory containing the role. In case of github, it should be your github repository name
    - role: role_test

Note that the role name in the playbook is referring to the directory path specified in the .kitchen.yml config file roles_path: ../role_test. The default dehavior is to copy the current directory inside the ansible roles directory.

Nothing much to say, it’s pretty close to the playbook test. The cool fact for role test is that all your test files can be defined inside the test directory.

Run it

kitchen create
kitchen converge ansible
kitchen destroy
kitchen run


One : CI tests should run quickly. To accelerate it don’t hesitate to pre-build image for the bastion container with a pre-installed ansible and dependencies.

How I created mine :

Kitchen create from debian image and
docker exec -it ansible apt-get install git python python-setuptools build-essential python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev ruby ruby-dev apt-utils ansible python-selinux python-apt-common libxml2 python3-minimal dbus
docker commit ansible gaell/debian-kitchen
Build kitchen image


Two : On my CI, I have more enough memory but bad hard drive performances. I don’t need to have persistent data of my containers. Change docker storage configuration to use a tmpfs had really improved the test time. (be careful with that)

vi /etc/default/docker

DOCKER_OPTS="-g /dev/shm --storage-driver=devicemapper"
Docker storage


Three : How have multiple test case for the same role. We saw I use a ansible and case1 container. Docker can’t have 2 containers with the same name. Think about that when you configure kitchen. Have a prefix could be a good idea e.g (<rolen_ame><case_number><container_name>) .

Four : For troubleshooting purpose it’s possible to run ansible manually after a converge

kitchen login ansible
cd /tmp/kitchen && ansible-playbook -i kitchen-hosts site.yml --private-key /home/kitchen/.ssh/id_rsa
run ansible

Five : Ansible have a native small check for syntax. It could be the first step four your CI pipeline

ansible-playbook -i tests/inventory tests/test.yml --syntax-check
ansible syntax-check

Six : Know all default variable for your kitchen ci configuration file. This command will display your yaml config file with all variables used by kitchen ci.

kitchen diagnose --all ...
kitchen diagnose

Thanks for reading !

gaelL on GithubgaelL on LinkedingaelL on Wordpress

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